It takes contributions from all
Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 20, 2009
Eighty-seven-year-old Lanus Hammack may have made more Christmas memories than we could ever count.
He was the primary designer of the famous Christmas decorations that were displayed for decades at the former International Paper Natchez mill.
During the time that those decorations were displayed, thousands drove past every Christmas season for decades.
It was Hammack’s creativity and the hard work of his crew that helped make Christmas magical for young and old alike. But it was through the generosity of International Paper that the entire endeavor was even possible.
Private businesses are still giving back to help Christmas become a success for the public.
The ongoing Christmas in Natchez events would not be possible without business sponsors. From the wreaths and garland covering downtown streets to the sponsors of the Natchez Christmas Parade, Christmas still depends on local businesses to be a success.
But that sense of giving back for the greater good isn’t just confined to local businesses, either. Individuals make a huge difference, too.
Hammack’s original works of art, for example, are being restored thanks to a great volunteer, Mike Lomasney.
Thanks to Lomasney’s labor, Hammack’s original works will live on for new generations of residents to enjoy for years to come.
Now that’s the Christmas spirit, volunteering one’s time and money for the enjoyment of others.