New Boy Scout joins Eagle ranks

Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 20, 2009

NATCHEZ — Robert Hargon joined Boy Scouting because he thought it would be a fun way to make some friends.

And he was right, but he got much more than just friends.

“Boy Scouting has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made,” he said. “I’ve learned so much, made great friends and worked hard.”

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All of Hargon’s hard work was rewarded when he was presented with his Eagle Scout pin during his Court of Honor ceremony.

Hargon is a member of Troop 168.

Hargon completed 27 merit badges — six more than required — and a two-part project at the Grand Village of the Natchez Indians.

Hargon led a group of his scout mates in a project that included making a replica canoe from a cottonwood tree and building a corn grainery for the historic site.

“Mr. (Jim) Barnett said they used to have a canoe that had rotted, and he said they really needed one out there,” Hargon said. “He also gave us the choice of doing the corn grainery.

“We decided to do both.”

Hargon said the project tested his work ethic and leadership skills, but he was proud to have completed it.

Hargon joined Troop 168 in 2006 after seeing the troop on a camp out during the Jim Bowie Festival. In three-years he completed all of the requirements to receive his Eagle award.

Scout master Ricky Warren said only a small percentage of boy scouts reach the level of Eagle, and for Hargon to have done it in three years was remarkable.

“It takes a special young man to show that dedication,” Warren said. “He is an example of what all Boy Scouts should be like.”

While it might have been hard work, Hargon’s mother Sandy Richards said she was never surprised that her son was able to accomplish his goal in so little time.

“He is a hard worker,” she said. “We are very proud that he has done this because of all the work he put into it.”

Hargon’s father Jim Hargon is a troop leader and said watching and working along side his son during the process was a special experience for him.

“When you get to participate in it with your son, it is a unique thing,” he said. “To be there and see him work as hard and he did and do all the things he did, that makes me proud.”

Hargon is the son of Jim and Shana Hargon of Natchez and Sandy and Tim Richards of Monterey.