Intruder caught in house

Published 12:00 am Monday, January 11, 2010

NATCHEZ — David and Barbara Haigh had an unwelcome visitor in their Natchez house Sunday morning.

David Haigh, of 408 N. Pearl St., interrupted a burglar shortly before 7 a.m.

“I messed around and had a door unlocked last night, and he came in the door,” Haigh said. “I walked down the stairs, and there he was.”

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Natchez Police Department responded to a 911 call from Haigh’s neighbor at 6:51 a.m. and arrested Kenneth Morgan, 44, of 714 B St., at Haigh’s house.

NPD Chief Mike Mullins said Morgan was being held without bond on charges of burglary of an occupied dwelling.

“The homeowner grabbed him and held him until the police could respond and arrest the subject,” Mullins said.

Haigh said Morgan tried to run from the house, but Haigh was able to catch him before he made it out of the door.

“I said ‘What are you doing in my house,’ and boy did he jump,” Haigh said. “I grabbed him up and escorted him out of the house, but I didn’t know what to do with him then.”

Haigh went next door, with Morgan in hand, and had a neighbor call 911, before walking Morgan back to his house and waiting for the police to arrive.

Haigh said his wife was asleep when the encounter began, but he woke her up after calling 911.

“I just bear-hugged him to hold him,” he said. “I had a club that was hanging inside on a coat rack, too.

“He isn’t a big guy. I’m 6-foot and he was shorter than me and really skinny. I could just do anything with him.”

Mullins said the incident appears to be an isolated event.

“We haven’t had this in this area recently,” Mullins said. “This individual has a long history with NPD.”

Haigh said he considers himself lucky since the intruder was not armed. He said from now on he will take extra time making sure all the entrances to his house are secured.

“Things could have really gotten bad,” Haigh said. “He could have had a knife or gun.

“I had been in and out the day before and thought the door was locked. We all do that from time to time, but I know I won’t anymore. I’ll check from here on out.”