Why overlook racist remarks from Dems?
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 14, 2010
Reader Mary Jane Gaudet’s letter to the editor about Lott vs. Reid missed some points.
The Lott comment was to a dying 90-year-old to make him feel good at his farewell party. Reid’s racial comments were not.
Why was Democrat Bill Clinton’s 2008 campaign comment to Kennedy, “a few years back he (Obama) would have been serving us drinks” not mentioned by Gaudet? That one also surfaced this month.
Until we all understand that when it comes to politicians there is an old saying to go by — “ignore what is said, watch what is done.”
Political history records it was the Democratic Party of Reid, Clinton, Wallace and Conner that fought integration for decades after the Dixiecrats of 1948. Look it up.
Doug Schexnayder
Vidalia resident