Celebrate Tree Planting Week

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 7, 2010

The 36th annual statewide “Tree Planting Week” is Feb. 7-13. Adams County Soil and Water Conservation District, along with other local sponsors, plan to give out free loblolly pine seedlings to the public on Arbor Day, Feb. 12, at the USDA Service Center, 110 Northgate, Natchez.

Loblolly Pine seedlings will be given out from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on a first come, first served basis for as long as they last.

Also, personnel from Natural Resources Conservation Service, Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service, and other sponsoring agencies will be visiting all elementary schools during Tree Planting Week and passing out pine seedlings to all third graders in Adams County.

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These seedlings will be hand-wrapped as a community service by local school groups and other local organizations. Adams County Soil & Water Conservation District donated Loblolly Pine seedlings for this occasion.

The Adams County Soil & Water Conservation District Auxiliary has announced it will again sell ornamental and wildlife seedlings, at a nominal cost, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday. This year, the following species are available: white crape myrtle, red crape myrtle, white flowering dogwood, red maple, eastern red cedar, sawtooth oak, bald cypress, crabapple, live oak, strawberry bush or wahoo, golden raintree, tulip tree, blue hydrangea and pin oak.

These are bare root seedlings approximately one and one half feet in height; they will be individually labeled and wrapped as purchased. Seedlings will be sold on a first come, first served basis; it is not possible to take special orders or reservations.

The SWCD Auxiliary sale will be in the garage at the USDA Service Center, 110 Northgate Road, Natchez.

Proceeds will be used to support school programs for Conservation Youth Camp, Safety Day, Poster Contest and other conservation educational programs.

For more information on tree planting week, contact the Adams County Soil & Water Conservation District at 601-442-1790, Ext. 3.

Pat Williams is the district coordinator for the Adams County Soil and Water Conservation District.