Democrats are telling fantasy stories
Published 12:00 am Monday, March 8, 2010
I read with amazement at the faulty information found in the long letter published on March 3 concerning health care.
Does the writer know that not once in his political life has Obama ever actually extended his arm to those he opposes?
He was the rated most liberal (also known as secular socialist) human in the U.S. Senate for a reason.
Where was this writer when the Democrats were the “party of no” just a few years ago? Was that OK?
All we heard then was the constant chatter about “the rights of the minority.”
I ask who took our Social Security mega-billions and put them into the general fund? It was the Democrats.
Who broke the tie vote to tax our Social Security checks? It was Al Gore.
Who signed the bill to tax our Social Security? It was Bill Clinton.
Which party exempts itself from this expensive takeover of our heath care and rejected
Republican attempts to include everyone? It was the Democratic party.
Which party exempted the 1.8 million unionized government workers from this wonderful bill? It was the Democrats.
Some real reasons health care costs are way above what they should be include the following:
Democrats refuse to allow us to shop for a plan nationwide like we can do for car insurance. Why not have 1,300 companies from which to pick?
Democrats refuse to allow lawsuit, or tort, reform like the successful Texas model because the trial lawyers are big Democratic contributors. Doctors pay $2 to 4,000 a month thanks to Democrats blocking tort reform.
Democrats refuse to allow portability so we can take our plan from one job to another or at least keep the same plan for a year between jobs.
Democrats always hurt the poor by their wrong-minded policies that lay off the little guys first. The party that has controlled Congress since January 2007 has the nerve to blame others for putting us all $13 trillion in debt and doubling the jobless.
The voters have told the controlling party for a year they do not want socialized medicine and $2 trillion more of debt. They do not want to be fined because they do not buy insurance. They do not want over 100 boards and panels to run their personal health care. Democrats do not need any Republicans to pass this but only to share the blame.
The misguided drank the smiling socialist Kool-Aid again.
J. Carter Obama is clueless, but the average American is not fooled by the daily lies. Voters will send a message to the arrogant they will not forget. If this bill is so wonderful, why are the Democrats telling us they are willing to risk huge defeats in the next election? Why will they lose if it’s so wonderful?
America is jobless, broke and hurting. It is not the time to tell us fantasy stories about straw man demons.
Doug Schexnayder
Vidalia resident