‘Golden’s Natchez’ exhibit opens today
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 24, 2010
NATCHEZ — Nationally recognized artist Rolland Golden will open an exhibition of new works at the Historic Natchez Foundation at a reception, from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. today. The exhibition, titled “Golden’s Natchez,” will be on view through May 8.
Golden began began working on a Natchez series several months after he moved to the city following Hurricane Katrina. He actually completed his now famous Katrina series in his studio in Natchez. The New Orleans Museum of Art exhibited the Katrina series in November 2007. After completing these tragic scenes, Golden said he felt a strong desire to paint more up-lifting subjects and began executing scenes of the Natchez area.
Golden’s first visit to Natchez was in 1968, when he painted works for his exhibition entitled “Natchez to New Orleans.” From then on, Golden visited Natchez regularly with his family and had two, one-man shows in Natchez early in his career.
Rolland Golden has a strong preservation ethic and has been a strong voice for preserving the unique historic character of New Orleans and the Lower Mississippi Valley. The Historic Natchez Foundation is pleased to be able to host an exhibit of Natchez area works by this nationally known artist and Natchez resident.