Put brains to work this summer
Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 16, 2010
We’re deep in the heart of graduation season, and it’s almost a sure bet that a large group of cars clustered around a school or a public building means a graduation ceremony is under way.
The end of another school year means another generation of Miss-Lou youth is preparing to enter adulthood and either college or the workforce.
But the end of the school year also signals the beginning of summer.
For many parents of all but the seniors, that means one common phrase that resonates in the ears of parents: “I’m bored. What can I do?”
Finding something for your children to do during the summer isn’t as difficult as you may think.
But finding something constructive for them to do is much better, as it will help improve their minds in the process.
Keeping children busy with projects and fun but educational endeavors during the summer months generally will keep them out of trouble and help them continue using their brains so they remain sharp when the summer ends and the new school year begins.
Local libraries, businesses and parks offer a wide variety of options. Be sure to check them out sooner rather than later to avoid hearing the dreaded boredom phrase.
Don’t let your children become couch potatoes this summer; get them out, moving and learning.