Nine earn pins at Co-Lin nursing ceremony

Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 19, 2010

NATCHEZ — Nine students at Copiah-Lincoln Community College’s Natchez campus earned Practical Nursing pins during a candlelight ceremony recently.

They are Celeste Buckles, Jennifer Delaughter, Cresa Groce, Melody High and Angela King, all of Natchez; Dora Claiborne and Kendra Stephens, of Centreville; Erika Ford of Woodville, and Heather Havard of Roxie.

Ford received the Florence Nightingale Award as the outstanding nursing graduate. The award is named after the legendary nurse Florence Nightingale, referred to as the founder of modern nursing.

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“This is one of my favorite ceremonies we have at Co-Lin,” said Vice President Teresa Busby, who welcomed the nurse candidates and audience. “Nurses are special people. They put their heart and soul into their work.”

President Dr. Ronnie Nettles said, “It’s a pleasure for me to be here. The very first event I attended as president was the pinning ceremony (in 1997). This is a difficult program to be admitted to and a difficult program to complete.”

Nettles told the graduates, “It’s more than a job; it’s a passion for them.”

Nursing instructor Melinda Pritchartt said the pinning ceremony is a proud day for the students and for her as well.

“I could not be more proud of the 2010 Co-Lin Practical Nursing graduates,” she said. “It has been such an honor to watch this ambitious group of nurses grow as they acquired practical experience and professional knowledge. I know they will be an asset to Miss-Lou health care. There are only great things to be expected from these talented and compassionate nurses.”

The main speaker was Christina Hall, chief nursing officer at Natchez Regional Medical Center, and Dr. Gail Baldwin, dean of career and technical education for the college, gave the invocation.

Following the pinning, graduates participated in a time-honored portion of the ceremony: the “Lighting of the Lamps,” followed by the nurses reciting in unison “The Nightingale Pledge” and a candlelight recessional.