Even history must change with the times

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 30, 2010

An early visitor to the most famous theme park in the world would be floored by the changes that have taken place in the most magical place on earth, Walt Disney World.

Since its creation in the 1970s, the theme park has seen revolutionary changes, but with one common goal — entertaining guests and giving them a unique experience.

Years ago, simply having history told to you was good enough. In fact, it was fascinating for generations.

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The “experience” was simply to see something new and unique. Thus was the case in the early days of the Natchez pilgrimage.

But times change and the “product” our community presents to its visitors needs to change with the times.

That’s why we were delighted by the recent announcement that Natchez Pilgrimage Tours planned to offer something new for Fall Pilgrimage visitors this year — Characters in Costumes.

The new feature will present hosts in period costume that will help to tell the story of Natchez.

So rather than simply having a docent tell the story of the things — mansions, furniture and furnishings — the costumed people will help tell the really interesting stories — the ones about the people who lived and played in the mansions.

In addition, Fall Pilgrimage offerings will include some new day-end diversions for tourists as well.

The changes are a refreshing acknowledgement that tourists change and smart tourism leaders keep changing with them.

Let’s hope this year’s Fall Pilgrimage is one to remember.