Downtown trick-or-treat set for Friday

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 28, 2010

NATCHEZ — Downtown businesses better get ready to be haunted.

The Natchez Downtown Development Association is once again hosting its annual Little Feet Trick-or-Treat from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday at businesses throughout downtown.

Teri Roddy, vice president of NDDA, said the event gives parents and children a safe place to collect sweet treats.

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“A lot of parents are apprehensive about letting their children trick-or-treat in areas or at houses, that they are not familiar with,” Roddy said. “This gives parents a place where children can dress up and go around trick-or-treating in a safe place.”

Having Little Feet Trick-or-Treat on Friday gives parents and little ones a chance to extend the holiday, Roddy said.

“It takes a lot to get children dressed up for Halloween, and most children will wear their costumes to school,” Roddy said. “This way they can wear their costumes a little longer, and it is a little easier on parents.”

While the event is aimed at little foot traffic, Roddy said it also helps the group accomplish its larger goal of getting more people shopping in downtown businesses.

“Hopefully, as the parents are with their children, they will see everything that our downtown has to offer,” she said.

Businesses along Main and Franklin streets, and some downtown cross streets, between Martin Luther King and Pearl streets will be participating.

Roddy said not every business is participating, but those that are will be distinguishable.