Play musical tours Sunday

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 6, 2010

NATCHEZ — The Natchez Opera Guild has invited the community to a game of musical tours.

The guild is hosting its first ever Musical Tour of Homes beginning at 2 p.m. Sunday.

Five houses will be on tour. The first four — The Arrighi Mansion, the home of Dr. Brad and Sherri LeMay at 700 Orleans St.; Casa Espana, the home of Paul and Analisa Therrien at 713 N. Union St.; The Stone House, the home of Joe Stone at 804 Washington St.; and the home of Robert Adams at 209 Arlington Ave. — will be on tour from 2 to 4 p.m.

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The tour ends will a 4 p.m. reception at Magnolia Vale, located below Learned’s Hill Road. Magnolia Vale is the home of David and Betty Paradise.

Each house will feature a different form of musical entertainment.

At Arrighi, guests will be entertained by Vincent Bache on flute and Millett Cuthbertson on piano.

Joseph Stone, owner of The Stone House, will give visitors a classical piano concert as they tour.

A string quartet will play at the home of Robert Adams and Spanish music will play at Casa España.

Frequent Festival of Music performer Will Earl Spanheimer will sing at Magnolia Vale.

Tickets for the event are $25 and include all five houses and the reception. All proceeds from the tour will benefit the Natchez Opera Guild and the Natchez Festival of Music.

Tickets can be purchased at the houses on the day of the tour, from guild members or at Natchez Pilgrimage Tours by calling 601-446-6631 or 1-800-647-6742.

The event is a fundraiser for the Natchez Opera Guild. The guild is the volunteer group charged with raising money to make the month-long Festival of Music a reality in May.