Tax revenues up from September sales

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 16, 2010

NATCHEZ — After a one-month stumble, sales tax collections in Natchez began to climb again.

Collections in November were $415,239, up 2.7 percent over last November’s collection, Natchez City Clerk Donnie Holloway said.

Numbers reflect sales tax monies collected in September. Collections are reported two months after the fact.

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In September, the city experienced a drop in sales tax collections for the sales made in August. That 2.69 percent drop was the first the city had seen since February.

Prior to that upward trend, the city had seen a steady decline in sales tax collections.

The November amount brings the total collections for the fiscal year to $808,976. The city is two months into the fiscal year.

The to-date collections are up 0.01 percent over the previous fiscal year.

The outlook for December’s collections, sales tax received in the month of October, is sunny with Fall Pilgrimage and the Great Mississippi River Balloon Race both drawing large crowds this year. Those numbers will be reported on Dec. 15.