Get your vocal chords ready for caroling

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 16, 2010

This holiday season all ages are invited to come together for “Caroling in the Park” at 6 p.m. Sunday in Memorial Park.

We are excited to bring the 14th annual caroling. This event has been successful in the past because of the support from many individuals and businesses; the volunteer students who pass out the candles and song sheets, and The Natchez Democrat’s publication of the song sheets. Without all of them, this would not be as successful as it has been.

This is a community-wide event and everyone is welcomed to participate in our celebration of the holiday season. Strangers coming together and raising their voices in song are truly inspiring.

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The sounds of these voices resonating throughout the park will fill any Scrooge’s heart with the Christmas spirit.

The caroling will be led this year by Sally Durkin, media liaison for Natchez, as well as a great ambassador for our city, and Burnley Cook, a veteran of Natchez Little Theatre and other musical endeavors around town, who will be the pianist.

The caroling will benefit the Natchez Stewpot, a non-profit organization that prepares and serves lunches to anyone in need of a meal as well as delivers hot meals to shut-ins.

Everyone is asked to bring any non-perishable good or cleaning product, i.e. dish towels, rice, etc., which will be very much appreciated by those individuals who might find this holiday season more difficult than many.

Beginning at 5:30 p.m., participants will be given candles as they enter the park. You may also bring your own candle to the caroling since we have run out in the past. The Natchez Democrat will generously provide song sheets, which will be in this Sunday’s paper and also available at the park.

Those present last year will certainly remember the fun we had with “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” and the “Twelve Days of Christmas.” And I don’t think anyone could forget the poignancy of the candlelit crowd singing “Silent Night” under the majestic oaks of Memorial Park.

Before the caroling there will be the hot chocolate sip-off in the park. This begins at 5 p.m. and segues into Caroling in the Park.

So this Sunday please join us in Memorial Park, behind St. Mary Basilica, for an evening of wonderful hot chocolate concoctions and caroling that promises fun for all.

Kathy Sizemore is event organizer for Caroling in the Park.