Democratic plan isn’t working
Published 12:37 am Sunday, February 20, 2011
Now those same Democrats who (over) maxed our Visa card are assembling the obligatory “rent a mobs” of unions or just kooks to put on a crybaby show against near about all non-military spending cuts to the monster federal budget.
Those awesome wonderful taxpayer-supported “growing government agenda arms” like NEA, NPR, ETV, Planned Parenthood, yada yada yada are so incredibly wonderful that they cannot support themselves privately, go figure that logic.
The ineffective Head Start babysitting service for minority votes and the bloated invasive Department of Education itself are considered holy but in reality are simply tax money eaters (soon expected to get “mobs on demand” to continue charging our maxed Visa billions).
Any opposition “hates kids,” right? It’s all so tiresome.
The parade of victims, the games with figures and the smears of those wanting simple efficiency or explanations of where the money went or the results is so very very tiresome.
Does anyone remember around 1970 when a certain group (Nader’s I think) went into D.C.-federal buildings about 10 a.m. and just opened door after door?
They found many quiet empty offices and even some with highly-paid employees fast asleep on their desk.
Ever hear of a fired federal employee? Why are they exempt from Oz-Care?
Would you like 4-12 percent annual budget increases just for existing?
Did I mention more than 200,000 federal employees were added last year?
America is broke. Stop the distractions, lies and smears.
The Democratic secular socialist experiment has failed like it has worldwide.
When will the Democrats of America own up to reality?
For God’s sake, if not now, when?
Doug Schexnayder
Vidalia resident