Relay site not as important as Relay heart

Published 12:01 am Tuesday, May 31, 2011

As we’ve seen in the last few weeks, the mightiest river in the country can certainly change our community’s plans a little.

But while the Mississippi River may delay routine parts of our area’s life, it cannot change our community’s heart.

That heart is rarely seen as clearly as at the annual Miss-Lou Relay for Life, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.

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For the dozens and dozens of Relay volunteers the event is an emotional fixture on the community’s schedule.

The swollen river may have gobbled up the Relay’s site on the Vidalia Riverfront forcing a delay, but a little quick thinking and the realization that the location is less important than the event itself, rescued the event.

The event will relocate to the safety of the Natchez bluffs in a couple of weeks.

We’re thankful to all of the volunteers that make the Relay such a fun community event.

Our community is appreciative of the City of Natchez for helping the Relay find a new temporary home.

We hope at the end of the day, when the delayed Relay is completed and the funds it raises are counted that it will wind up being among our community’s best.