Voters showed support for togetherness

Published 12:07 am Thursday, August 4, 2011

Individually, our community’s members are strong; together, we’re unstoppable.

Fortunately in the last year or two, we’ve seen increasing examples in which we’re working together.

Perhaps the mood and momentum had to ultimately reach a low-point before we all, as Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour would say, “Hiked up our britches and went to work.”

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The result has been a new fresh breath of regionalism.

Those efforts have brought together once perpetually feuding health care providers and even the various government municipalities.

Does anyone remember — before Mike Lazarus helped make it happen several months ago — the last time county tax dollars paid for work in the city limits?

Lazarus wisely pointed out that city residents also pay county taxes, so he put a few downtown roads on his list of ones to resurface in his district.

A few years ago, that would have been the third-rail for a county supervisor. Instead, Lazarus crushed his competitors gaining more than 70 percent of the vote on Tuesday. That’s evidence that voters want their leaders to work together — not apart.

We’re seeing huge strides made at the moment from an economic development front and even an educational front. The regionalism group and the Natchez-Adams Chamber have brought up the idea of bringing “The Leader in Me” program to our area classrooms. We say, let’s do it!

Education is our biggest area of opportunity and our most complex issue facing us. But we’ve got to move in some direction and judging by the success — and apparently voter approval — of regional work, we say, let’s find the leaders in our community and get the educational program funded and moving.

Time is wasting and together; we can make big things happen in a hurry.