Alcorn’s Spears likes what he sees so far

Published 12:01 am Saturday, August 6, 2011

LORMAN — With the first two fall practices out of the way, head coach Melvin Spears said he is looking at tempo while the team looks fundamentally sound and in great shape.

Spears said several players have stood out to him so far, including quarterback Brandon Bridge.

“Bridge is ahead of where he was previously,” Spears said. “I am pleased with where is at the moment. He is learning the finer points of quarterback mechanism.”

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“Senior offensive lineman Isaac Williams has stepped up and is showing great leadership ability for the offensive line. Jamison Knox and Brandon Morris are also showing outstanding leadership on the defensive side of the ball.”

While the temperature has been hitting the high 90s and heat warnings being issued, the Braves are consuming 1 1/2 gallons of water prior to taking the field for practice while being monitored by position coaches.

The team has practiced with helmets only for the past two days and will transition to helmets and shoulder pads on tomorrow. Practice will begin at 9 am and is open to the public.