Closed mouths just don’t get fed

Published 12:11 am Friday, August 19, 2011

One day I heard one of my children quoting these words “closed mouths don’t get fed.”

I asked where the child where that came from. The reply was from a song.

Upon inquiring a little further, I saw the opportunity to use the quote or lyrics of that song as a lesson to teach my child.

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Although we listen to secular songs in our everyday living, we must realize that everything has a meaning, good or bad. The Bible tells us to be in the world, but we should not be of the world, but about our Father’s business.

We don’t know where our Father’s business may lead us. The only thing we should keep in mind is that no matter what avenues we take, “all things work for good for those who love God.”

So, don’t be so afraid to sometimes venture out of the box. Don’t look at everything as being the wrong turn or move. As long as God is with us, then we can’t go wrong.

As I said earlier, I found the opportunity to jump in and teach of what those words from the lyric of the song meant in God’s Word. In the Bible, God tell us to make our requests known.

Although we know that God knows all, hears all, sees all, we might ask, then why should we ask him if he is an all-knowing God. Well, it just goes to show us that our heavenly Father is much like our earthly father, except that Daddy could not read minds, and thank God for that.

With God, we can tell him anything no matter how bad or good it is. God tells us to let him know what we want. He wants us to have a relationship with him such as we do our earthly parents. As children, the only way we could get anything was through asking our parents. So God want us to have that same relationship. Just as he talked and walked with Adam in the Garden, he wants us to talk and walk with him in our garden. As we grow older and become responsible for ourselves, he wants us to trust and depend only on him. He will lead us, guide us and send us help.

“Closed mouths don’t get fed.” That can be a two part issue.

Those lyrics tell us that we can ask God for whatever we want whether it’s a physical wants for our bodies or a mental want for our broken spirits, at times.

Even if we can’t verbally say it out loud, we should make our request known in one way or another. In reality, if we don’t ask out loud or secretly, then how will our request be known?

God wants us to have that kind of relationship with him just as if he was right beside us. Well, he is. He is so close to us that we don’t realize that it doesn’t take a letter, a telephone call or any other type of communication to get in touch with him.

All we have to do is open our mouths and make our request known of what we need and want. He wants a personal relationship with us. And just like our parents would tell us, “how do I know what you want if you won’t open your mouth,” then God’s words to us are similar.

Some things in life are so simple and only take an effort on our parts. Communicating with God can be done at anytime and anywhere and in any fashion. One thing for sure is that we don’t have to go into some long drawn out prayer to ask. You don’t have to get on your knees all the time. You don’t have to go into a secret closet. You don’t have to be alone. It’s not how you get in touch with God, but just do it.

To get results on any matter, make your request known to God and remember “closed mouths don’t get fed.”

Beverly Gibson is a Ferriday resident.