Planning for disasters protects us

Published 12:05 am Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Preparing for disaster is rarely something most of us want to do. It’s simply human nature — or at least most people’s basic nature — simply not to think about bad things happening to us.

A few rare among us realize the importance of planning for the worst, however, and the rest of us are appreciative of them.

Included among those planners, fortunately, are a few Adams County Supervisors, including S.E. “Spanky” Felter and Adams County Emergency Management Director Stan Owens.

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Felter and other supervisors voted last month to have Owens coordinate a detailed mapping of all fire hydrants in the county.

The information will be input into the county’s Geographical Information System and can be shared with insurance companies.

Having detailed, updated locations of fire hydrants could provide reduced homeowner’s insurance for some residents in the county.

In addition, the updated GIS information may also help firefighters locate hydrants more quickly when responding to fires.

The GIS mapping is a good project and a smart idea. It’s government that may actually help property owners, and we’re glad the county is working this project.