Ferriday placed under boil water notice
Published 1:45 pm Tuesday, December 27, 2011
FERRIDAY — Customers on the Town of Ferriday water system found themselves without water service Tuesday after the town experienced a break in one of its major transmission lines.
Water service had to be turned off to make the necessary repairs.
The town remains under a precautionary boil water advisory.
Ferriday water plant operator Benton Finlay said the cause of the break had not been determined Tuesday, but that it was a simple line separation that was possibly the result of age.
Service was briefly restored during the 2 p.m. hour, but the water service had to be turned off again during the 3 p.m. hour because the repair made to the line did not hold, Finlay said.
By approximately 4:30 p.m. water service had again resumed.
The boil order will remain in effect until after the line is fixed and water samples can be tested and proven safe for consumption.
The precautionary boil water advisory is standard procedure for any time a water system loses pressure.
A line break in late November prompted a similar boil order.
In August and September, a boil water order was placed after a filter at the water treatment facility suffered a failure.