Good news filled 2011 to the last week

Published 12:07 am Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!

And, for most of us, that means the holidays are over and it’s time to get back into the regular routine. A routine can be good, so we aren’t complaining.

Before we head into 2012 full steam ahead, let’s think back on the last week of 2011.

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-New county officials took their oath of office last week, promising to lead us all to the best of their abilities. We are excited about where our leaders can take our community in the coming year.

-A roadblock for Vidalia’s Feed the Hungry raised more than $6,000. To think that a few buckets and spare change from the Miss-Lou could accumulate so quickly — and buy food for dozens of families — is reassuring. When our community pulls together, we can achieve might things.

-Natchez High School graduate Marlaine Woodfork is learning new things and sharing her own lessons in Guatemala. Woodfork is working with the Peace Corps to teach the local residents how to better care for themselves.

-Work on Vidalia’s municipal complex is entering the homestretch. Construction should wrap up in the next two months, and city leaders plan to move in shortly after that.

So as we say goodbye to the good news of 2011 — capped off by great successes of Natchez Inc. — we know greater things are to come in 2012.