Thank you for story on JMC reunion

Published 12:03 am Wednesday, May 2, 2012

While attending the Jefferson Military College reunion on campus April 14, my family (wife Diana and our five children) were interviewed by your reporter, Lindsey Shelton.

The topic, in part, was Diana’s 80th birthday, my graduating from JMC 70 years ago, and our 60th wedding anniversary, all of which occurred in the magic month of April.

I just want to belatedly express my appreciation for a job well done by your reporter.

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Her writing was superb.

My daughter Monica Bazarek is a journalism graduate with the reputation of a superior writer.

She had high praise for the article by Ms. Shelton.

The individual who puts together the newsletter of my World War II ship picked up the story from your newspaper and reprinted it almost in its entirety.

So it’s really getting around among my friends.

Many thanks and best wishes.


Sid Moore

Falls Church, Va.