ELECTION UPDATE: Morning crowd small at polls
Published 10:22 am Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ben Hillyer/The Natchez Democrat — Aldermen candidates, clockwise from top left, Sarah Smith, Forrest Foster, Bob Pollard and Dan Dillard were braving the heat to welcome voters to the polls Tuesday morning.
NATCHEZ — The early morning crowd at city polling places was, perhaps, a bit groggy.
Traffic in and out of the polls early today was slow, with many of those who did vote confessing that nothing particular about this race drove them to the polls; they simply always vote. Others, though, said they are ready to see action in the City of Natchez.
Peter Trosclair said as a business owner in Natchez, he felt it was his responsibility to come vote.
Click here for more photos from Tuesday’s election.
“I’m worried about the future of Natchez,” Trosclair said. “It’s been pretty stagnant for the past 10 years.”
Trosclair is the owner of Biscuits & Blues.
Shirley Bell said one particular issue has her most worried about Natchez.
“I want some of this crime to be taken care of,” Bell said.
Both voters cast their ballots at the City Council Chambers, along voter with Richard Crook.
Crook said he came to vote because Natchez needs a good mayor, someone with experience and wisdom.
Crook said he was optimistic about the voter turnout.
“I hope it’s going to be good,” he said. “I hate to see complacency.”
At the National Guard Armory, Gertrude Carter was voting for change. “I want to vote for the candidate who is going to get things rolling,” Carter said.
“Like Dr. Phil says, ‘Just do it,’” Carter said. “(The mayor) needs to get in there and just do it. “Don’t make all these promises, just get in there and do it,” she said.
Polls will be open until 7 p.m.