ACCS student decides to join Army National Guard
Published 12:03 am Wednesday, August 28, 2013

submitted photo — Hayden Newman, left, shakes hands with Sgt. Clay Floyd after being sworn into the National Guard. The Adams County Christian School senior will serve as a military police after completing basic training in May.
Newman, 17, enlisted with the Mississippi Army National Guard over the summer — a decision the ACCS senior said he’s put plenty of thought into.
“There’s been something in the back of my head for a while telling me it was the right thing for me,” Newman said. “My dad was in the National Guard, and I’ve always been interested in the opportunities it could provide.
“I didn’t want to end up just going off and working in the oil field or something after graduation.”
The National Guard of the United States is a reserve military force composed of National Guard military members or units of each state in the country. Members of the guard can have civilian jobs or attend college while maintaining their military training part time.
One of the biggest benefits, Hayden said, was a guarantee to have his college tuition paid for after he finishes high school.
“It’s hard to pass up someone saying they’re going to pay for your schooling and to continue your education,” Newman said. “It just seemed like a great opportunity to experience a lot of things not a lot of people my age get to do.”
After signing up, Newman said he took the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test to determine what job he would do best.
Newman will serve as a member of the guard’s military police after completing his six-month basic training and advanced individual training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., in May.
Military police in the guard provide area security, among others duties.
“I’ve always wanted to do something with law enforcement, so this seemed like a good fit,” Newman said. “I like to help people and people to depend on me.”
Newman attends training one weekend a month in Monticello with other members of the guard who haven’t yet gone through basic training.
And even though Newman plays football, baseball and basketball, he said juggling all his activities, schoolwork and guard training hasn’t yet worn him out.
“It’s not too bad,” Newman said. “It keeps me busy because I always have something to do.”
Newman plans on attending Copiah-Lincoln Community College in Wesson after finishing his basic training. He is the son of Mary Ellen Sojourner and Brent Newman of Natchez.