Crime reports: Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Natchez Police Department
Arrests —Tuesday
Henry D. Hamilton, 31, 115 S. Commerce St., Apt. 4, on charges of two counts contempt of court (default in payment). Bond set at $810.
Reports — Monday
Two loitering violations on Martin Luther King Jr. Street.
Suspicious activity on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.
Burglary alarm on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.
Disturbance on Williams Street.
Malicious mischief on Woodhaven Drive.
Suspicious activity on Miller Avenue.
Burglary on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.
Suspicious activity on Morgantown Road.
Burglary alarm on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.
Escort on U.S. 61 South.
Accident on Martin Luther King Jr. Street.
Suspicious activity on Bishop Street.
Petit larceny on Circle Drive.
Suspicious activity on Union Street.
Petit larceny on D’Evereux Drive.
Accident on D’Evereux Drive.
Assisting motorist on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.
Disturbance on Lafayette Street.
Malicious mischief on Jefferson Davis Boulevard.
Intelligence report on Canal Street.
Intelligence report on D’Evereux Drive.
Public response on Canal Street.
Escort on D’Evereux Drive.
Malicious mischief on Rollingwood Drive.
Improper use on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.
Juvenile problem on Lynda Lee Drive.
Accident on John R. Junkin Drive.
Abandoned vehicle on Cherry Street.
Unwanted person on Prentiss Street.
Burglary alarm on U.S. 61 South.
Disturbance on George F. West Boulevard.
Burglary alarm on Pearl Street.
Intoxicated person on Silver Street.
Disturbance on U.S. 61 North.
Burglary alarm on Melrose Avenue.
Adams County Sheriff’s Office
Arrests —Monday
Kanesha Kenshae Byrd, 22, 424 Morgantown Road, on a charge of embezzlement. No bond set.
Arrests — Tuesday
Intelligence report on Brooklyn Drive.
Loose livestock on West Wilderness Road.
Traffic stop on U.S. 84.
Intelligence report on Emerald Mound Road.
Malicious mischief on St. Catherine Street.
Deceased person on Hammett Street.
Alarm on Pineview Drive.
Lost or stolen tag on East Franklin Street.
Lost or stolen tag on River Terminal Road.
Reports — Monday
Traffic stop on Old U.S. 84 No. 1.
Traffic stop on Martin Luther King Jr. Road.
Prowler on Pheasant Road.
Accident on Liberty Road.
Shots fired on Village Square Boulevard.
Disturbing the peace on Bluegrass Road.
Burglary on Spokane Road.
Traffic stop on Morgantown Road.
Disturbance on West Wilderness Road.
Two traffic stops on U.S. 61 North.
Lost or stolen tag on Lafayette Street.
Traffic stop on U.S. 84.
Harassment on Arrowhead Drive.
Alarm on Hidden Creek Road.
Intelligence report on Magnolia Bluff Road.
Trespassing on Cranfield Road.
Traffic stop on U.S. 84.
Traffic stop on U.S. 61 North.
Grand larceny on Joe Frazier Drive.
Fraud on Passman Road.
Dog problem on U.S. 61 South.
Intelligence report on Booker Road.
Accident on West Wilderness Road.
Unoccupied vehicle on Liberty Road.
Traffic stop on Martin Luther King Jr. Road.
Concordia Parish Sheriff’s Office
Arrests —Tuesday
Mitzi Boyler, 48, 279 Ron Road, Vidalia, on a charge of disturbing the peace. Bond set at $350.
Arrests — Monday
Adam Stacker, 39, 27393 Louisiana 15 No. 133, Ferriday, on a charge of bench warrant for failure to appear for judicial probation fees for possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond set at $1,118.
Natasha Jefferson, 29, 27393 Louisiana 15 No. 131, Ferriday, on a charge of bench warrant for failure to appear for two counts for simple criminal damage to property and judicial probation fees for criminal damage. Bond set at $1,540.
Otis H. Bates, 38, 111 Georgia Ave., Ferriday, on a charge of bench warrant for felony revocation hearing for aggravated battery. Bond set at $200.
Daniel Case, 26, 338 County Meadow Lane, Vidalia, on a warrant for simple assault. Released on $450 bond.
Reports — Tuesday
Unwanted subject on North Grove Drive.
Reports — Monday
Arrest on warrant at CPSO.
Unwanted subject on Country Meadows Road.
Criminal damage to property on U.S. 84.
Miscellaneous on Louisiana 3196.
Nuisance animals on Louisiana 129.
Attempted break in on Cowan Street.
Alarms on Vidalia Drive.
Vidalia Police Department
Arrests — Monday
Michael Jenkins, 31, 2027 Eleanor St., Vidalia, on a warrant for simple battery. Released on $750 bond.
Reports — Tuesday
Disturbance call on Camellia Street.
Reports — Monday
Theft on Apple Street.
Found wallet at River Park.
Ferriday Police Department
Arrests — Tuesday
Felicia R. Guice, 29, 611 Church Lane Apt. 8, Waterproof, on a charge of driving under suspension. Bond set at $224.
Arrests — Monday
Donnie Sander, 36, 414 8th St., Ferriday, on a charge of contempt of court. Bond set at $100.
Sidney L. Riley, 22, 100 N. Melrose Ave., Natchitoches, on a charge of driving under suspension. Bond set at $224.
James Jackson Jr., 57, 31464 Louisiana 15, Clayton, on a bench warrant for failure to appear for traffic. Bon set at $418.
Jackson L. Taral, 19, 31464 Louisiana 15, Clayton, on a bench warrant. Bond set at $870.
Jessie A. White, 46, 709 Texas Ave., Ferriday, on a charge of driving under suspension. Bond set at $224.
Darlene N. Newall, 40, 109 7th St., Sicily Island, on a warrant for speeding. Bond set at $259.
Arrests — Saturday
Charles E. Lyles Jr., 27, 100 Freeman St., Ferriday, on charges of driving under suspension and no license plate. Bond set at $383.
Reports — Tuesday
Improper tag display and no proof of insurance on Virginia Avenue.
Expired driver’s license, expired tag, expired motor vehicle inspection (MVI) and cracked windshield on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
No motor vehicle inspection and no proof of insurance on Tennessee Avenue.
Reports — Monday
Ran red light and two tail lights required on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Expired motor vehicle inspection and no proof of insurance on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Expired MVI and cracked windshield on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
No seat belt, no driver’s license on person and no proof of insurance on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
No MVI on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
No seat belt and no insurance on Ninth Street.
Head phones prohibited, no proof of insurance and driving under suspension on Louisiana Avenue.
Improper supervision on Louisiana 15.
No driver’s license on person, expired tag and no proof of insurance on Louisiana Avenue.
No seat belt and no driver’s license on Virginia Avenue.
Expired MVI on Kentucky Avenue.
Expired tag, no driver’s license on person and driving under suspension on Louisiana Avenue.
Red light violation on Arkansas Avenue.
Expired MVI and no driver’s license on person on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Reports — Sunday
Five speeding violations on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Failure to maintain control on Louisiana 425.
Cracked windshield on Louisiana 425.
Two headlights required on Louisiana Avenue.
Loud music near Sonic.
No proof of registration and loud music near Sonic.
No tail lights, expired MVI, no proof of registration and no insurance on Louisiana 15.
No seat belt on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
No seat belt on Louisiana 65.
Speeding and driving under suspension on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Speeding and no driver’s license on person near Ferriday Market.
Ran stop sign on Mickey Gilley Avenue.
Harassment on Warren Street.
Speeding on Maryland Avenue.
Speeding on Louisiana Avenue.
Reports — Saturday
Simple possession of marijuana on Georgia Avenue.
No proof of registration on Georgia Avenue.
Speeding on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Damage to property on Louisiana Avenue.
Red light violation on Louisiana Avenue.
Miscellaneous on Texas Avenue.
Disturbance at Club VIP.
Careless operation near FPD.
Reports — Friday
Speeding on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Stolen wallet at Aden’s Grocery.
Speeding on Oklahoma Avenue.
Speeding on Serio Boulevard.
Speeding on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.
Expired tag on Kentucky Avenue.
Natchez Fire Department
Vidalia Fire Department
Medical call on Lamar Circle.
Ferriday Fire Department
Fire alarms at Haney’s Music Hall.
Concordia Fire District No.2
No calls.