Startin’ young: Miss-Lou kids show off their big kills
Published 12:05 am Sunday, March 2, 2014

Submitted photo / The Natchez Democrat — Submitte Photo
Jacob Thomas, 6, killed his first deer on Dec. 13 while hunting with his grandfather Rick Thomas in Meadville.
NATCHEZ — Josie Richardson is just one of several area children who enjoyed the youth deer hunting season, which ended in January.
Richardson bagged a 12-point deer on Jan. 26 in Rodney, while hunting with her dad, Joseph Richardson.
- Submitted photo / The Natchez Democrat — Josie Richardson, 13, with a 12 point she bagged on Sunday, Jan. 26 in Rodney, while hunting with her dad. Josie is the daughter of Ryan Richardson and Joseph Richardson of Natchez.
- Submitted photo / The Natchez Democrat — Alden Cupit shot this deer on Jan. 12 while hunting with his grandfather, Paul Patterson.
- Submitted photo / The Natchez Democrat — Bruin Harrison, grandson of Mike and Mary Rabb, killed his first deer, an 8 point on Dec 26.
- Submitted photo / The Natchez Democrat — Jack Russ harvested his first buck Jan. 15 while hunting with his uncle Kurt
- Submitted photo / The Natchez Democrat — Maria Verucchi’s first deer, an 8-point buck, taken Dec. 23 in Adams County while hunting with family
The season proved to be bountiful for many Miss-Lou children, who all proudly displayed the results of their hunts.
Alden Cupit, JackRuss, Maria Verucchi and Bruin Harrison are just among the many who took to the woods and came away with something worth showcasing.
Today’s Adventure’s page includes various photos that weren’t featured during hunting season.
Continue sending your photos of big kills, fish or other game captured to or drop them by 503 N. Canal St. in Natchez.