Group petitions for removal of superintendent, school board

Published 12:01 am Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hill sent out a press release Monday evening in response to the rally saying that he and those protesting share one common goal — “we are passionate about what goes on in the Natchez-Adams School District.”

“However, we disagree with what needs to be done in the district and how to do it,” Hill stated. “We are taking each academic year one year at a time to make improvements. Accountability for our schools is at the highest that it has ever been.

“We are now in the era in which if we are not getting the job done, then we have to take the necessary steps to make improvements.”

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Hill stated he recently made personnel decisions he felt were “necessary to move the district forward.”

“I am not naive to think that the decisions would not cause some ruckus in the community,” Hill stated. “I believe because of the high stake expectations of accountability, the moves were necessary.”

Thomas Graning / The Natchez Democrat — Latasha Ford holds a sign while marching in a protest against Natchez-Adams School District Superintendent Frederick Hill.

Thomas Graning / The Natchez Democrat — Latasha Ford holds a sign while marching in a protest against Natchez-Adams School District Superintendent Frederick Hill.

Hill stated he was faced with a similar petition last year based on different personnel moves, but also stated the reassignment of those employees provided support for moving the district forward.

“Though the rally (Monday) called for my resignation, the predicament still remains,” Hill stated in the release. “Any superintendent subsequent to my tenure will take similar actions if improvements are to be made in the district.”

In the release, Hill asked residents to continue rallying for better schools from all educators.

“Inside all of us, I truly feel we all want what is best for the students of Natchez-Adams,” Hill said. “So, let’s spend a minuscule amount of time in identifying faults in each other and focus more time on serving our children in the best possible way; even if it means drastic changes.”

Click here to read NASD Superintendent Frederick Hill’s entire statement.

NASD Board of Trustees President Tim Blalock declined to comment on the protest, but said he would be asking board attorney Bruce Kuehnle to review the state laws to see if a petition signed by residents could result in the removal of Hill or any of the board members.

Nearly 40 Natchez High School students rallied Friday in front of the school to support the school’s principal, Fred Butcher.

Butcher, a long-time area educator who took over as principal this school year, turned in his letter of resignation last week, but would not discuss details behind his decision.

His resignation letter came the day after a fight broke out at NHS that resulted in 17 students being arrested for disturbing the peace.

The actions sparked a closed-door meeting last week that included a group of residents, parents, teachers and elected city leaders.