
Published 12:01 am Sunday, September 14, 2014

Megan Biglane Marchesini

Megan Biglane Marchesini

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mario Marchesini of Greenville announce the engagement of their daughter, Megan Biglane Marchesini to Stephen Paul Napier of New York City, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Walter Napier of Blue Bell, Pa.

The bride-to-be is an honor graduate of St. Joseph Catholic High School in Greenville and the University of North Texas where she received a bachelor’s degree in business administration.

A member of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority and the New York Junior League, she is employed as the director of communications for Brookfield Hospitality in New York City where she oversees global public relations and social media for Atlantis, Paradise Island resort in The Bahamas.

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She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noland Edward Biglane, the late Mrs. Noland Edward Biglane of Natchez and the late Mr. and Mrs. Juan Clelio Marchesini of Greenville.

The groom-to-be is an honor graduate of Wissahickon High School in Blue Bell and of Trinity College where he received bachelors degrees in economics and computer science.

He also received his master’s degree in systems engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and is employed as a partner at Amherst Securities in New York City.

He is the grandson of Mrs. Robert Paul Missimer of Nashville and the late Mr. Robert Paul Missimer, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Bige Napier of Dayton, Ohio.

The wedding will be this fall at St. Louis Cathedral Basilica in New Orleans.