Cathedral senior set to build house, change lives
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 1, 2014
By Devonte Demby
NATCHEZ — A trip to Haiti for Chandler Russ was a dream come true. However, this dream would soon turn into a mission to help Haiti natives.
The Cathedral High School senior, 17, wants nothing more but to be the change the world needs.
Russ’ trip to Haiti began when a friend of her father, Stan Buckley, invited her to Haiti on a mission trip with But God Ministries, a ministry that shares the love of Christ through building sustainable communities around the world.
After being touched by the natives of Haiti this summer, Russ began to raise money so she could build a home for someone in need.
“I’ve done one jewelry show and have collection boxes around town,” Russ said.
Russ’ first jewelry show raised $860.
“I was so happy when we got all of the orders in,” Russ said. We had it during Labor Day weekend, and only a few people showed up to the show.”
Russ said her trip to Haiti was life changing.
“Some kids go to bed hungry, and they don’t know where their next meal might come from,” Russ said. “It makes you reprioritize your entire life.”
Russ worked at Deliciyoso Frozen Yogurt this summer to raise enough money for her trip to Haiti.
Since Russ did not need the extra spending money, she used each paycheck, with the exception of two, to fund her trip to Haiti.
Russ spent her trip in Haiti at a medical clinic giving out tickets so residents could be treated and helping natives anyway she could.
Russ feels God sent her to Haiti.
It’s about changing lives, Russ said.
“The people of Haiti were so grateful for everything that we gave them,” Russ said.
Russ has raised nearly $2,000 and needs $5,500 to build a home for a Haiti native.
Throughout Cathedral, Russ will receive funds from her fellow schoolmates and teachers.
“People around just hand me money for Haiti,” Russ said.
Russ not only has the passion to help the needy in Haiti, but she also has a passion for helping her schoolmates as well.
Russ does this by tutoring students after school.
“I’ve been told since I was little that I had caring qualities,” Russ said. “I believe certain people are sent into my life to make me better, and I believe certain people are sent into my life so that I could help them.”
Russ plans on attending the University of Southern Mississippi and hopes to one day become an emergency room physician.
Currently, Russ is looking to return to Haiti by the end of May.
The $5,500 she raises will go on to But God Ministries, which will take the funds and get the materials to build a home in Haiti.