Season of Wishes: Junior Auxiliary granting local children’s wishes

Published 12:10 am Friday, December 5, 2014

Junior Auxiliary chapter president Michelle Joseph, left, and JA chair of Angel Tree Melissa Brown, right, are among those in charge of the Angel Tree, center, located inside the Concordia Bank and Trust on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive. (Sam Gause / The Natchez Democrat)

Junior Auxiliary chapter president Michelle Joseph, left, and JA chair of Angel Tree Melissa Brown, right, are among those in charge of the Angel Tree, center, located inside the Concordia Bank and Trust on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive. (Sam Gause / The Natchez Democrat)

NATCHEZ — The Christmas tree set up in Concordia Bank serves as a beacon of hope for area children, granting them wishes upon wishes.

The Natchez Junior Auxiliary thrives on making lives better and easier for children, and the Angel Tree Project will help with that effort.

The organization’s Angel Tree Project at Concordia Bank on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive in Natchez, giving residents the opportunity to adopt an angel this holiday season.

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The Department of Human Services and Catholic Charities have provided the Junior Auxiliary a list of names listing children who may be without a gift during Christmas.

The child’s name, age and gender are placed on the tree, where those who adopt a child can bring a Christmas present to donate.

“We have 297 names in total,” said Junior Auxiliary chairperson Melissa Brown. “Once the children are adopted and the gifts are brought to Concordia Bank, we will take them to the DHS and Catholic Charities, who will then distribute the gifts.”

Brown said once the child is adopted, the donator could bring any gift that is age appropriate.

Those wishing to donate can do so by visiting Concordia Bank before the Dec. 12 deadline to turn in gifts.

“We need all of the angels to be adopted,” Brown said. “We need members of our community to come to Concordia Bank, adopt an angel, buy some gifts and bring them back to us.”

Monetary donations are also accepted and can be sent to P.O. Box 1592, Natchez, MS 39121.

Once the gifts are brought back to Concordia Bank, the Junior Auxiliary will award the participants with a real angel ornament to place on a tree of their own.

Brown said she thinks it’s important for the community to get behind its local children.

“It’s Christmas time, and everyone needs to have a good Christmas,” Brown said. “Last year, all of the angels were adopted. Our community always steps up, and they always help support this.”