Miss-Lou turns in another successful week

Published 12:05 am Monday, September 14, 2015

Last week saw a long list of accomplishments and good news in our community. Let’s take a moment to remember some of the great things from the past week:

•Our area celebrated Labor Day without much of a hitch. Thanks to all of the men and women who keep our highways and waterways safe on such holiday weekends.

•The Vidalia Garden Club hosted a dedication ceremony for a new memorial to veterans and soldiers. The memorial showcased 351 bricks with the names of veterans young and old who have fearlessly protected our freedom. We thank the garden club for honoring these deserving heroes.

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•After decades of service to the community, Dr. J.R. Todd retired last week. Todd’s many years of providing medical care to hundreds of patients will be missed, but we wish Todd a happy and healthy retirement. He certainly deserves one.

•The Great Mississippi River Balloon Race received some good news as organizers learned the Isle of Capri Hotel, which donates approximately 50 rooms to the race, would not close its doors for renovation until after the race. The hotel is being sold to Magnolia Bluffs Casino. The new owners plan extensive renovations.

•Two local schools — Cathedral High School and Trinity Episcopal Day School — are taking learning outside the classroom in an effort to expose students to global issues. Cathedral students will make clay bowls at Natchez Clay, which will benefit the Empty Bowls Project — an initiative that focuses on decreasing world hunger.. Trinity is taking a group of eighth and ninth graders to Puerto Rico, where teachers plan to broaden students’ cultural horizons..

•St. Catherine Creek National Wildlife Refuge hosted a “backwater bird blitz” to showcase the amazing array of feathered visitors our area hosts. We thank refuge wildlife biologist Nick Wyra and the refuge staff for hosting the event.

•Wednesday, the Miss-Lou set a goal to have 550 workforce members receive a Career Ready Certificate — an assessed-based credential that gives employers a uniform measure of key workplace skills.

As we begin another busy week, let’s remember to thank all those who make the Miss-Lou a great place to work and live.