Are illegal auto tags an issue in Adams County?

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, June 1, 2016

NATCHEZ — An Adams County official is hoping to follow the lead of Hinds County and crack down on illegal auto tags.

Board of Supervisors President Mike Lazarus said he wants Adams County to discuss the possibility of hiring a tag investigator to catch residents operating with illegal auto tags, including those with tags from another county or out-of-state.

Lazarus said he recently learned of Hinds County’s efforts to identify residents driving with illegal tags, and said Adams County should look into the matter.

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Hinds County previously hired one tag investigator, and the Hinds County Board of Supervisors recently approved hiring an additional investigator.

Hinds County Supervisor Robert Graham said the tag investigators are a value to the county because they will bring extra tax dollars to the county.

Graham said he drove through an apartment complex lot in northeast Jackson recently and observed 30 to 40 vehicles with license plates from other counties or out-of-state.

Lazarus said he does not know if illegal auto tags are as pervasive in Adams County as in Hinds.

“I don’t know if it’s as big of a problem here, but it’s still worth looking into,” he said.

Lazarus said he has fielded complaints from residents about illegal tags.

“I think part of it is educating the public,” he said. “I don’t think people understand that if you park that car in your driveway every night, no matter if you have lake property in Louisiana or own a business in Louisiana or wherever, that car is supposed to be tagged Adams County.”

What’s more, Lazarus said, is the county is losing revenue because of illegal tags.

“I would love to recoup some of the revenue,” he said. “Maybe then someday we can lower the costs for everybody. I don’t think it’s fair that some people get to avoid paying while other ones have to pay.”

If the county is able to increase its revenue from auto tags by curbing illegal tags, Lazarus said it could be beneficial for all residents.

“It’s just like with justice court fines or garbage fees, if everybody paid their fair share, maybe we could lower the costs of some of these things.”