Don’t skip today’s critical vote

Published 11:57 pm Monday, June 6, 2016

Many Natchez voters may be tempted to just skip voting today.

All but one of the races on the ballot are all but decided already, having been fought and won in the primary phase in early May.

Today, voters will, however, choose between two options for the new resident of the corner office in City Hall.

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Democratic primary winner Darryl Grennell will face independent candidate Eric Junkin for the mayor’s race.

We hope for their sake and in recognition of the importance of the process that voter turnout is high.

Sadly, Natchez voters of late have taken a we-can-vote-out-our-mistakes attitude over the last two decades.

The Natchez mayor’s office hasn’t had the same occupant for more than four years, since Butch Brown was reelected to a second term in the mid-1990s.

One of the challenges with constantly churning over the mayor’s chair is that the city often lacks continuity in leadership.

Hopefully with today’s vote, voters will make a choice and perhaps find that sticking with the candidate over time makes a good bit of sense.

By avoiding the constant turnover, perhaps Natchez’s government can again regain a bit of the luster that has been lost lately.

Regardless of the candidates voters favor, we hope they exercise their right to vote today. To not do so forfeits the right to complain later.