Crime reports: Thursday, June 16, 2016

Published 1:23 am Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Natchez Police Department

Arrests — Tuesday

Dewayne C. Dunmore, 34, 82 Brenham Ave., on a charge of simple domestic violence. No bond set.

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Troy D. Whittington, 29, 1202 Westwood Drive, on a charge of shoplifting. Bond set at $726.

Arrests — Monday

Curtis D. Sanders, 42, no address available, on a charge of profanity/drunkenness in public. Bond set at $349.


Reports — Monday

Suspicious circumstance on Watts Avenue.

Public relations call on Pearl Street.

False pretense on Roth Hill Road.

Disturbance on Dumas Drive.

Accident on D’Evereux Drive.

Disturbance on D’Evereux Drive.

Disturbance on Smith Street.

Four intelligence reports on D’Evereux Drive.

Stolen vehicle on D’Evereux Drive.

Suspicious vehicle on Bowles Alley.

Burglary alarm on Linden Drive.

Arrest on Triumph Lane.

Disturbance on Stiers Lane.

Suspicious vehicle on Wiggins Lane.

Improper parking on Williams Circle.

Accident on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.

Improper parking on Alabama Street.

Accident on Auburn Avenue and St. Catherine Street.

Two reports of accident on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.

Intoxicated pedestrian on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.

Malicious mischief on Lumber Street.

Suspicious circumstance on Walnut Street.

Shoplifting on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.

Intelligence report on Meadowlane Drive.

Petit larceny on Lamar Street.

Suspicious person on Auburn Avenue.

Prowler on McNeely Road.

Petit larceny on D’Evereux Drive.

Intelligence report on Gaile Avenue.

Armed robbery in progress on Franklin Street.

Juvenile problem on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.

Arrest on D’Evereux Drive.

Public relations call on Smith Street.


Adams County Sheriff’s Office

Arrests — Tuesday

Rodrick Lavel Byrd, 30, 144 N. Shields Lane, on a charge of possession of marijuana. Bond set at $2,500.

Willie Kentrell Doss, 32, 6642 Stampley Road, on a charge of grand larceny. Bond set at $10,000.

Johnny Silvanius Hawkins, 22, 11 W. Woodlawn Ave., on a charge of contempt of court. No bond set.

William Darell Parker, 25, 6780 McNair Road, on a charge of driving with suspended license. Bond set at $1,000.

Arrests — Monday

Shaquayla K. Shaw, 24, 1105 Marginal St., Port Gibson, on an outside agency warrant. No bond set.

Reports — Monday

Traffic stop at Morgantown School.

Suspicious activity on Steam Plant Road and Martin Luther King Jr. Street.

Traffic stop on Foster Mound Road.

Alarm on U.S. 61 North.

Traffic stop on Martin Luther King Jr. Street and Washington Road.

Disturbance on Pond Meadow Road.

Stand by on Parsons Road.

Intelligence report on Jones Road.

Intelligence report on Bluerass Road.

Harassment on Village Square Apartments.

Assisting other agency on U.S. 61 North.

Accident on Palestine Road.

Suspicious activity on Rosehill Drive.

Intelligence report on Campbell Road.

Civil matter on Stardust Drive.

Reckless Driving on U.S. 84.

Simple assault on Clifford Road.

Traffic stop on Morgantown Road.

Malicious mischief on Pinehill Drive.

Grand larceny on U.S. 61 North.

Traffic stop on River Terminal Road.

Traffic stop at Crossroad Grocery.

Threats on Graves Avenue.

Two reports of traffic stop on U.S. 61 North.

Traffic stop on Newman Road.

Suspicious activity on Parsons Road.

Intelligence report on Franklin Street.

Trespassing on Frederick Road.


Concordia Parish

Sheriff’s Office

Arrests — Tuesday

Bonnie J. Barlow, 26, 276 Justin Road, Clayton, on charges of speeding, child restraint violation, driving while intoxicated (first offense) and driving while intoxicated with child endangerment. Bond set at $3,555.

Arrests —Monday

Laterrious White, 17, 291 Crestview Drive, Ferriday, on a charge of disturbing the peace. Bond set at $350.


Reports — Monday

Complaint on Concordia Park Drive.

Traffic stop on Louisiana 15.

Miscellaneous on Church Lane.

Complaint on Crestview Drive.

Miscellaneous on Shady Lane.

Welfare check on Lee Street.

Unwanted person on Adams Road.

Complaint on U.S. 84.

Death on Doty Gardens Circle.

Auto accident on U.S. 84.


Vidalia Police Department

No arrests


Reports — Monday

Harassment on Camilia Street.

Theft on Peach Street.

Theft of gas on Carter Street.

Suspicious item on Palm Street.

Medical call on Apple Street.


Ferriday Police Department

Arrests — Saturday

Cecil D. Martin, 37, 116 Skipper Drive, on a charge of warrant for felony criminal damage to property. No bond set.


Reports — Monday

Damage to vehicle on Concordia Avenue.

Auto accident on Fisherman Drive.

Harassment on E.E. Wallace Boulevard.

Reports — Sunday

Theft on Texas Avenue.

Reports — Saturday

Four speeding citations on E.E. Wallace Boulevard

Reports — Friday

Theft on Seventh Street.


Natchez Fire Department

False alarm on Vine Street.


Vidalia Fire Department

No calls.


Ferriday Fire Department

No calls.


Concordia Fire District No. 2

No calls.