Let’s walk in harmony, peace, love

Published 12:10 am Friday, January 13, 2017

Most of us never want a ‘soooo good’ celebration to end.  The 2016 Natchez Tricentennial Celebration was one of those ‘soooo good’ celebrations that I want to see continue. It can.

How? Let’s keep the embers of peace, love and unity that were lit throughout the many celebrations, from the August 2015 pre-celebration for the 299th Natchez birthday party through the Natchez Tricentennial New Year’s Eve celebration finale, aflame.

Again you may ask how? Simply stated, by perpetuating peace and love, beginning in each of us, and then from each of us to others. As I sat there savoring every moment of the Natchez Tricentennial finale on New Year’s Eve, my heart swelled more and more. Even now, it overflows with the vision deep within me to see us Natchezians walking in unity, peace and love, in the fullness of our divine design, blessed to be a blessing, as it is totally well with us and our City of Natchez and Adams County.

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At that moment, I knew for sure that now is the time for me to step forward and do what I was sent back home to do. Starting this weekend, as we prepare to celebrate the birthday of the drum major for peace, Nobel Peace Prize recipient, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I come forward in community outreach and service to make my dream a reality.

For I do know that the peace, love and unity, the Natchez Tricentennial Celebration finale participants spoke of and sang about, can begin in each of us and impact all of us until our vision and dream is a reality.

From 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday, I, along with SoZoi, an organization entrusted to me, will be hosting the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pre-birthday celebration, which will also launch our community outreach and development “Be the Best You” dream series at the Natchez Maryland Heights Community Center. All are welcome to attend this free event. RSVPs are requested and can be sent to SEF’SoZoi1@gmail.com.

From 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 19, I, along with SoZoi, will be hosting  the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. post-birthday celebration, which will also launch our community outreach and development “Black History the Peacemaker” book study series in the Susan Cassagne Community Room at the Judge George W. Armstrong Library in Natchez. All are welcome to attend this free event. RSVPs are requested and can be sent to SEF’SoZoi1@gmail.com.

SoZoi is an organization that teaches-trains and helps others to be the best in every way, every day, celebrating 15 years of community outreach and development plus with the launch of the  Natchez January 2017 community outreach and development.

Natchez, Adams County and the Miss-Lou area, let’s take the next step to being a peacemaker, walking in love, real love and harmony — unity.

Then each one of us will reach another one until we all are peaceful, lovable, in unity together.

I’ll see you Saturday and/or next Thursday. Shalom.
Sandi Hickombottom is affectionately know as SEF`Sandi Everlasting Favor. She is a native Natchezian, a community development specialist, trainer, entrepreneur, clinical and pastoral counselor, and minister, an ambassador for Christ in all she does, with a heart to ‘come along side’ others and help them come into the fullness of who they were made to be.