Brenda Rider, far right, and Sandra Surina traveled from Santa Clara, Calif., with a bottle of Wild Turkey specially bottled for Natchez author Greg Iles. Rider, who works for the whiskey maker had the bottle specially engraved his name. Unfortunately, the women didn’t notice the engraver misspelled Iles’ name until they got to Natchez. Iles, above, gets his picture made Sunday with the women and the bottle of whiskey. (Ben Hillyer / The Natchez Democrat)
Kim and Ted Fitzmorris traveled from Ontario, Canada, just for Iles’ signing of his latest book “Mississippi Blood.” (Ben Hillyer / The Natchez Democrat)
Fans wait for their turn to talk to the best-selling author. (Ben Hillyer / The Natchez Democrat)
Prairieville, La., resident Carol Moore shares a joke with Iles during the signing Sunday. (Ben Hillyer / The Natchez Democrat)
(Ben Hillyer / The Natchez Democrat)
The view from the inside of the house was of the line of people waiting to get books signed. (Ben Hillyer / The Natchez Democrat)
(Ben Hillyer / The Natchez Democrat)
(Ben Hillyer / The Natchez Democrat)