Local youth league ready for new season today

Published 12:11 am Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Miss-Lou Youth Activities Association will begin this season’s league play for basketball from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. today at Morgantown Middle School in Natchez.

League Director Nook Logan said he is looking forward to kicking things off for the players ages 4 to 18.

“This goes further than a game,” Logan said. “We are working on teaching the kids motivation and getting them to work together. It makes them better in life.”

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Logan said he anticipates the coming week to be full of games to make up for a delayed schedule. After catching up, games will typically be played Thursdays through Sundays.

Since Logan said he sees children practicing after school in the gym every day, he expects each team to push the limits, and is especially looking to see the older divisions excel.

“We are trying to develop kids into high school players,” he said.

Logan also said he hopes participants learn to play with passion, no matter the circumstance.

“Somebody is always going to win, and somebody is going to lose,” he said. “We want them to know it’s just a game, as long as they are coming in and competing.”