Vidalia codes to be online in near future

Published 12:34 am Wednesday, May 31, 2017


VIDALIA — Despite concerns from an alderman, the Vidalia board unanimously approved a deal with company Municode to update and place the town’s municipal codes on its website.

Alderwoman Sabrina Doré had concerns a blanket approval of the changes the service made to bring the codes up to state and federal standard would not follow protocol.

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“I read every page,” Doré said. “I did not see any changes that are egregious. I did not see any changes that would affect my daily life.

“My concern is not for myself, but for the one person who this may affect. My fear in passing it with all the changes without giving the public the opportunity to see the changes is we don’t really know if it will affect one person.”

Town Manager Bill Murray said the town could always amend the codes moving forward. He also said an advantage of using the service would be the codes would be available online where residents could more easily access them. Murray said the town would have a link on its website,

Otherwise, Murray said residents have to visit city hall and request the codes.

Murray said there is a rush to approve because the town would have forfeited fees it has paid to the company after the deadline of Monday. Murray said contracting with Municode dates back to the previous administration.

The service fee cost $8,000, Vidalia will pay $300 per year storage, and each change made to codes going forward would cost $20.

Once the codes become available online, Murray said he encourages residents to study the codes and if they see any issues, bring them to town officials. Murray said he did not have a timeline on when the codes might appear online.

Murray said residents might have concerns with the codes as they are, rather than the changes Municode suggested to bring the codes up to state and federal standard.