Chief hiring leads week of good news
Published 12:01 am Monday, July 24, 2017
As is our long custom, we start off the week on Monday mornings remembering some of the good news from the past week in our community.
4 The City of Natchez announced plans to hire Walter Armstrong as the city’s new police chief. Armstrong, most recently Vicksburg police chief and prior to that a Mississippi State Highway Safety Patrol trooper, appears to be well qualified to lead the city’s law enforcement team.
4 Adams County supervisors gave taxpayers some good news this week, reporting the county wound up saving more than $300,000 on healthcare claims versus the county’s budget. The savings is appreciated. We applaud the county’s efforts and agree with supervisors’ idea of putting the savings in a rainy day fund to help cover future years when claims could spike.
4 Congratulations and thanks are in order for the young people who organized and launched the Southwest Mississippi Academic Leadership Conference last week. The event pulled together recent college graduates to lead younger students to improve their preparation for high school graduation and entry into college.
4 Trinity Episcopal Day School’s Camille Taylor participated in the McMullan Young Writers Workshop at Millsaps College. We congratulate Taylor on acceptance into the program and on her desire to hone her creative writing skills.
4 A glitch was fixed that caused some Apple iPhone apps to route motorists hours out of the way. Our society’s high dependence on technology forces us to realize that all technology is based on the work of fallible humans. In the end little harm was done, but we’re glad the error was fixed quickly.
4 Hollywood actor Danny Glover lent his name and fame to the Gloster Arts Project. We appreciate his help in the valuable community project.
We hope you and your family have a great week, filled with lots of good news.