Atmos Energy donates bus to action agency
Published 12:01 am Tuesday, August 22, 2017
NATCHEZ — Atmos Energy gave keys to the future Monday to the AJFC Community Action Partnership to help develop the area’s rural communities.
Representatives from the gas company presented AJFC Executive Director Sandra Sewell with the keys to a new bus. The bus will be used to provide services to rural residents who are unable to travel to the partnership’s nine offices.
“This bus will be used for a lot of great things in southwest Mississippi,” Sewell said.
Services include providing residents with Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds to assist families with energy costs. The program focuses primarily on veterans, the elderly and disabled residents.
Other services include assistance with housing and Head Start.
The bus, which is fitted with a computer station and wireless Internet will allow AJFC to set up a mobile office in rural communities in the partnership’s nine-county area, Sewell said.
Atmos Energy Director of Energy Assistance Dan Alderson said the bus would help AJFC take service to customers rather than having customers have to come to AJFC.
With Monday’s donation, Atmos has donated nine buses since 2012 to charities and organizations across the country.
Mississippi Department of Human Services Community Service Director Tina Ruffin said the bus donation will help make a lasting change for the area.
“Families will no longer have to choose gas and air conditioning over food and medicine,” Ruffin said.
Last year, the department provided $1.1 million in direct program assistance to AJFC’s nine counties. Adams County received $300,000 in LIHEAP funds, she said.
Sewell said Monday’s bus donation will have a great impact on the community.
“We envision it will have a positive impact in our community to strengthen people and change lives.”
Atmos also presented AJFC with a $1,500 check for rebates they earned by purchasing new, energy-efficient cooking equipment for their Head Start Center.