Discover Trinity Church at forums

Published 12:55 am Thursday, November 30, 2017

Observing Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and all other liturgical Christian seasons with meaningful worship services and beautiful music —  that is a major part of Trinity Episcopal Church, 305 S. Commerce St.

Supporting Trinity Episcopal School, which produces National Merit Scholars and winning athletic teams — that is another part of Trinity Church.

Closing an entire block of South Commerce Street to host a lobster supper that raises money for benevolent causes —that is yet another part of Trinity Church.

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If you have noticed the excitement about these and other activities of Trinity Church and want to know more, we invite you to attend a series of free forums called “Discovery.”

These forums begin Sunday following the 10:30 a.m. church service. Five other forums will take place the following Sundays: Dec. 10, Dec. 17, Jan. 21, Feb. 4 and Feb. 11.

The forums lead up to a service of confirmation of new members to be led by The Right Rev. Brian Seage, Bishop of the Diocese of Mississippi. This service will take place Feb. 25.

Each forum will be led by The Rev. Kenneth Ritter, Priest-in-Charge of Trinity Church.

Ritter is an especially gifted speaker and teacher, always fully prepared and dynamic. He strongly urges all who want to be confirmed members of Trinity Church to attend the “Discovery” forums.

Ritter also welcomes all others, including those who want to re-confirm their membership or who want to refresh themselves about aspects of the church.

Ritter is calling the forums “Discovery” because the message in each is how to discover God and how to know that we are always discovered by God. He says the forums will help people in their journey of faith.

Particular subjects to be discussed include “Facts about the Episcopal Church,” “Sacred Scripture,” “Creeds,” “Sacraments,” Anglican/Episcopal History,” “Episcopal Worship,” “Worship Space,” “Church Calendar,” “Episcopal Polity” and “Administration.”

In addition to the “Discovery” forums, we invite you to attend regular Sunday church services with Holy Communion at either 8 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. each Sunday.

Following the 10:30 a.m. service on “Discovery” Sundays will be a free, light luncheon served in the church’s Kuehnle Hall. Afterward, the forum will begin.

The only difference in the schedule is on Jan.  21, when the forum will take place at 4 p.m.

Information about the “Discovery” forum schedule and how to register for the forums can be found at or by calling 601-445-8432 or 1-877-214-5400.

Discover Trinity Church! Discover yourself! Discover God! We invite you to be a part of our Trinity Church family. See you Sunday!
Marion Smith is a vestry member of Trinity Episcopal Church.