Local leaders’ interstate efforts wise

Published 12:01 am Sunday, December 17, 2017

Natchez area officials are wise to make a concerted effort at securing funding for a proposed interstate highway system that may traverse the area.

Dubbed Interstate 14, the roadway may still be a decade or more away from becoming a reality, if it actually comes to fruition at all.

But such a large transportation construction project could be a true game-changer for communities along its path, including Natchez.

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Natchez Inc. and area government leaders appear to be in good communication with one another and with state and federal agencies regarding the matter.

That’s good news because if an interstate is coming, our community is wise to be on the forefront of recruiting it as well as making sound plans for how to address the community impacts of such an endeavor.

In their history, interstate highways have truly changed the face of American travel, transportation and commerce.

And having an interstate connected to Natchez could change our community as well.

The project is largely in its infancy, however, it is poised to pick up steam quickly over the months ahead.

That the Natchez area is already paying attention and in the game could make all the difference in the world as the plans are worked.

We applaud those who are working to make this a reality and simply ask that they let residents know what they need to do to help.