Historical Society annual meeting and banquet Jan. 23

Published 12:26 am Sunday, January 7, 2018

Now that the holidays are over, most of us are looking forward to the beginning of a new year and getting back to business as usual.  Because the Natchez Historical Society was founded with the purpose of promoting an interest in the history of our city, our county and our state, our members look forward each January to the start of a new year, new leadership and interesting as well as informative programs for the community.

In keeping with tradition, the Natchez Historical Society will kick off 2018 with the annual meeting and banquet on Tuesday, Jan. 23 with delicious food and drink as well as an exceptionally qualified speaker with an intriguing topic.  The speaker for the banquet will be Jeff Mansell of Natchez.  Jeff, most recently known for his untiring coordination of the “Natchez History Minute” presented for 365 consecutive days during the tricentennial for Natchez in 2016, is the National Park Service Historian at the Natchez National Historical Park.  Jeff is a native of Pickens, and earned graduate degrees from Mississippi State University and Middle Tennessee State University.  He joined the park service in 2011 following a career in nonprofit organizations.  Jeff worked in Alabama, South Carolina, New York and Missouri before moving to Natchez.

Through his presentation, Jeff will relate the facts of the murder of George Washington Sargent at Gloucester by federal troops on May 10, 1864.  There were six men involved in the crime, and two of these men were court martialed and executed at Fort McPherson.  Sargent’s daughter, Mary Sargent Duncan was persistent in communicating her wishes to General U.S. Grant that the men be brought to justice.  Jeff will share first person accounts of the executions of two of the Union soldiers.  He might also provide some information about the fate of the other four perpetrators of the crime.

Email newsletter signup

Please plan to attend the annual meeting and banquet of the Natchez Historical Society on Tuesday, Jan. 23 at the Carriage House Restaurant.  Members and non-members are invited.  Dues are $15 a year and all are welcome to join the Society.  A social gathering will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a cash bar. A seated dinner will be at 7 p.m. followed by the presentation by Mansell. The cost of the meal is $25 payable at the door.  Reservations are required, and the deadline for reservations is Monday, Jan. 15.  Reservations may be made by calling Marsha Colson at 601-807-5007. If leaving a message, please leave your name, phone number and the number of people attending.

Everyone is invited to celebrate the exciting history of Natchez, Adams County and Mississippi by being a part of the Natchez Historical Society in 2018!
Kathy King is a member of the Natchez Historical Society.