Natchez-Adams School Board retains leaders

Published 12:01 am Thursday, April 19, 2018

NATCHEZ — The Natchez-Adams School Board voted Tuesday to make no changes in district leadership.

Each member of the board sustained their positions — Amos James as board president, Phillip West as vice president, Thelma Newsome as secretary and Brenda Robinson as assistant secretary.

The board also voted to renew Fred Butcher’s two-year contract as superintendent of the district, and Butcher reappointed Zandra McDonald as his deputy superintendent.

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Members of the board took turns congratulating Butcher on his reappointment, beginning with West.

“I’ve been on the board two years, and none of us are perfect, but I want to say that it was a very difficult situation that we had before you got here, and I just want to thank you for your dedication and commitment for trying to move the school district in the proper direction,” West said. “I think you’ve done a very good job especially under the circumstances.”

Butcher commended the principals, assistant principals and board members in the room for their support throughout the past two years.

“I want to thank the board for issuing me a two-year contract,” Butcher said. “People in this district made this possible. Without their hard work and your hard work, it wouldn’t be possible for me to get a second contract.”

Bruce Kuehnle, the board attorney, told the board that Butcher was very adamant about his salary, if he were to continue as superintendent.

“You don’t know this until you’re able to compare the last contract, but Mr. Butcher did not ask for a raise and in fact would not accept one,” Kuehnle said.  “This simply extends the same contract to June 30, 2020.”

Reneé Wall, who officially joined the board in the fall of 2017, said Butcher had also cut the travel budget of the superintendent’s office.

“I thought that was nice,” Wall said.  “That kind of stuff isn’t publicized.”

Butcher said he looked forward to continuing to work on improving the district.

“We all have to be on the same team, and we all have to respect everybody else’s opinion,” Butcher said. “I want to thank each of you personally for your hard work and dedication.”