Natchez PD to sell firearms

Published 12:03 am Wednesday, May 2, 2018

NATCHEZ — The Natchez Police Department will receive $15,000 from its stockpile of weapons seized in criminal investigations.

Natchez Police Chief Walter Armstrong recommended to the Natchez Board of Aldermen Tuesday that the city accept a bid from Barney’s Police Supplies to purchase the weapons for approximately $3,000 more than the next highest bidder.

Additionally, the bid included an offer to purchase the city’s current duty weapons that are issued to NPD officers for $200 apiece, and Barney’s has also offered to sell NPD new weapons for  $357 per firearm.

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In total, the city should receive $24,250 for the seized and used weapons, while the new weapons should cost approximately $17,850.

“We can outfit every officer with a brand new weapon … and still have $6,400 left that we can utilize to buy our gun holsters and other things that need to go on our gun belt.”

Because this bid was accidentally left out at a previous meeting when other bids were opened, the board of aldermen first had to approve a finding that the bid was indeed left out incidentally, then approve a separate motion to accept the bid.

The board proceeded to do both, though the purchase of new weapons will be handled at a later date.