How you can help stamp out hunger

Published 10:49 am Friday, May 11, 2018

You may not know it, but a lot of people go hungry.

Single parents trying to make ends meet, senior citizens living on fixed incomes, over-extended families who have to choose between paying bills, mortgages, living expenses, medicines or food.
It is not necessarily an issue people want to tell their friends and neighbors about, so they suffer in silence — and in hunger.

Fortunately, organizations exist which can help.

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Natchez Stewpot mission, food banks operated by local churches, Catholic Charities and other shelters and organizations.

Those organizations exist from the charitable contributions of people who are well off enough to donate, whether through volunteering, providing money or donating food and clothing, etc.
For people who are struggling to make ends meet, regardless of the cause of their troubles, those organizations are a lifeline.

On Saturday, everyone in Natchez and surrounding areas who has a mailbox has an easy way to help, thanks to the National Association of Letter Carriers with the organization’s Letter Carrier Stamp Out Hunger food drive.

Participation is simple. Leave at least one can of non-perishable food by your mailbox on Saturday and your letter carrier will collect it, and it will be donated to a local organization that can use it to help feed people in need.

Of course, more than one item would be appreciated, as well, and the food does not have to be in a can as long as it is non-perishable, just not in glass jars. A bag of rice or even a package of pasta would suffice.

We urge everyone to contribute something to Saturday’s Letter Carrier Stamp Out Hunger food drive, and we commend the local letter carriers and volunteers for conducting the effort.
It is a great community service.