Church members ready for Haiti mission

Published 12:01 am Saturday, May 12, 2018


The Natchez Democrat

NATCHEZ — Members of two area churches will travel to Haiti next week to work on various mission projects there.

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The majority of the group is made up of members of Parkway Baptist Church and most of the group’s members have made mission trips before.

Two members of First Baptist Church Natchez, Beanie Maxwell and Sue Goss, will be going for the first time.

“I am excited about the trip,” Goss said. “I believe I am supposed to be going on this trip, and I believe God is going to be doing some healing.”

Maxwell said she is excited to go as well.

“I am just a follower,” Maxwell said. “I will be helping where I am needed, but I know I will be assisting with the VBS services we will host.”

Parkway team member Sonya Upton said the church has several projects members of the mission trip will be working on during the week they are in Haiti, including food distribution, conducting Vacation Bible School, handing out Bibles, teaching maternity classes, teaching men and women’s Bible study, teaching teen Bible study for boys and girls, teaching English classes, offering physical and occupational therapy, constructing furniture and holding prayer walks.

“We fund raise each year in order to be able to do the projects we need to do in the area,” Upton said.

“As soon as we return from this trip, we will schedule our trip for next year and begin raising funds and collecting items we need.”

Some of the most sought-after items include personal hygiene items, school supplies, clothing and medicines.

“The area is so poor,” Upton said. “There are places to buy things but most people cannot afford it.”

Danielle Russell, who will be traveling with her husband Jason and their entire family as part of the Parkway team, says going on these trips will really make you appreciate what you have.

“There is no electricity and there are no stores,” Russell said. “Most of the things people would need are located so far from where they are, they just do without. They are so appreciative of any and everything they receive. In small ways, you can see they are getting better.”

Russell’s mother, Thelma Allgood said she is looking forward to the trip as well since she has been working on sewing clothing for people in the area. Last year was her first year to sew for the mission, but this will be her first time to go with the group.

“I have been sewing dresses and shorts,” Allgood said. “I am excited to see how they react to the work we have been doing. I will get to see their faces.”

The amount of work ahead of the group has not dampened their spirits in the least. In fact, they are eager to get there and see the people they have formed relationships with from previous years.

“It is always a neat thing to see the mothers who previously attended your maternity classes come the next year with their children,” Upton said. “The people in the area are so receptive of any and everything you have to tell them. It is rewarding in many ways to go back year-after-year.”

The two youngest to go on this trip are Carrie and Hannah Russell. Carrie, who is 11, said she is excited to get back to the area and lead the Vacation Bible School and hold some of the babies. Hannah, 16, says it is always such a culture shock to be in that area.

The group is still accepting donations for this trip and anyone interested in contributing can contact the church at 601-442-7434.