A day of gratitude for all mothers

Published 12:01 am Sunday, May 13, 2018

All across America mothers are enjoying flowers, opening cards and other gifts given by their children, husbands and grandchildren.

Perhaps the most cherished of these gifts will be handmade items created by tiny, still maturing hands that love the world and their mothers with open arms.

Children love their moms from the moment of birth. They provide all they need.

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Through the years, sometimes, the gifts may become more elaborate than a childhood creation of construction paper, but in most cases the gifts will be merely tokens of appreciation that pale in comparison to what mothers provide.

If you imagine the myriad of roles the average mother plays throughout the lives of their children, it’s almost unimaginable to try and write a job description that would cover all that they do.

Mothers are truly amazing creatures and are certainly worthy of our setting aside one day of the year to simply offer our gratitude.

Merely saying “thank you” and spending time with your mother today — if that’s possible — may be the best way to truly show them how much you appreciate their lifetime of sacrifices.

While we may never be able to say “thank you” enough to be sufficient for all their gifts to us, we wish all a happy Mother’s Day today and a hearty “thank you” for everything.