Welcome to the World of Work

Published 12:36 am Wednesday, May 16, 2018

On Tuesday, Natchez-Adams County middle-schoolers were exposed to a World of Work.

Organized by the Natchez-Adams County Educational Development Foundation and held at Copiah-Lincoln Community College’s Natchez campus, students were bused in, given “passports” and ushered through various buildings and parking lots on the campus.

There, the students heard presentations from representatives of 12 career fields.

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They learned directly from working professionals in the fields of science, aviation, welding, technology, art and architecture, hotel and restaurant management, culinary arts, film and photography, media, communications, law enforcement, medicine, nursing, law, business, education and more.

Students carried their passports to each presentation where they received stamps for having learned about each career. It was a fresh new take on the traditional job fair that seemed to connect with the students, and was a great way for them to learn from the professionals who gave of their valuable time Tuesday to help young people learn about their careers.

Hopefully, their efforts will connect with students, who may one day pursue a calling because of the early exposure they received at Tuesday’s event.

We commend everyone who worked to organize the World of Work, In & Around Natchez-Adams County event, Marvin Jeter, Ph.D., of the Natchez-Adams County Educational Development Foundation and others for putting it together and making it happen.

Most of all, however, we commend the professionals, who gave back to help inspire, motivate and encourage students to consider futures in the career paths they have chosen.

And, finally, best of luck to all the students, we wish you the best no matter what career paths you choose.